Group Sup, 90 minutes, call for rate.


I facilitate consults on the following:

  • Self-of-Therapist.
  • Politics-of-Therapist.
  • Profession-of-Therapist.
  • Culture-of-Therapist.
  • Relations-of-Therapist.
  • Systemic Theory.
  • Case Conceptualizations.
  • Talk Therapy Techniques.
  • Therapeutic Assessments.
  • Goal Development.
  • Theory-based Interventions.

Consider the following for all group series:

**Groups will meet once weekly.

**Groups require commitment of 4 participants to attend all sessions.

**A total of 6 hours will be endorsed for group supervision.

**Post-graduate MFTC and LPCC credentialed psychotherapists are invited.

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Virtual/Online Group Supervision Series: The Art of Therapeutic Assessment

2024 Dates: January 8, 15, 22, 29; Mondays, 7pm.

Connecting clients to their lived experience contributes to favorable therapeutic outcomes for clients and more accurately representative assessments for clinicians (Gilligan & Price, 1993; Ruesch, 1961).

Connecting clients to their lived experience is key to assessing the presenting concern(s) reported for therapy by clients - particularly when clients are mystified, or their experience is befuddled by ambivalence.

This 4-part series will focus on therapeutic communication skills aimed at resolving dissonance between a client’s described and lived experience.

Each 90-minute session will focus on a specific aspect of therapeutic communication aimed at connecting the client to their lived experience.

1. The 1st session will focus on the exploration of a client’s presenting concern.
2. The 2nd session will focus on the art of inquiry as distinct from questioning.
3. The 3rd session will focus on the art of narrowing client concerns and experiences.
4. The 4th session will focus on expanding the narrowed concern to facilitate process-level work across multiple domains of experience.

Virtual/Online Group Supervision Series: The Healing Practice of Goal Development

2024 Dates: February 12, 19, 26, March 4; Mondays, 7pm.

Change may be frightening for some clients. As such, working to define and act on a goal with clients requires working deliberately. Goal development offers healing opportunity - particularly for clients who experienced frustrated needs, trauma, poverty, protracted marginalization, and/or a foreshortened future.  

This series will focus on therapeutically supporting clients to identify a goal that would be transformative at a process level - meaning a change experience that would show in multiple domains of the client's life.  

1. The 1st session will focus on how transformative goal development is important for process-level therapeutic progress. 

2. The 2nd session will focus on therapeutic communication for identifying transformative goal development. 

3. The 3rd session will focus on exploring the dilemma of change. 

4. The 4th session will focus on theory-based interventions to facilitate clients' attainment of goal. 

Virtual/Online Group Supervision Series on Self of Therapist

2024 Dates: April 1, 8, 15, 22; Mondays, 7pm

Durtschi and McClellan (2010) creatively describe the self of therapist as a guitar that produces interventions and therapeutic models for clients through its strings; when one or more strings are out of tune or missing, the therapist's effectiveness may be diminished.

Just as a guitar's tone is impacted when its strings are not properly tuned, a therapist's effectiveness is profoundly influenced by their own doubts, fears, and uncertainties that may be evoked or heightened in the therapeutic relationship.

This 4-part group supervision series will focus on the self-of-the-therapist and the personal struggles that can reverberate in the counseling process when contending with clients' confusion, heartbreak, oppression, and other difficulties.

The series will provide a collaborative environment for therapists to tune their instrument - their therapeutic self - by examining and strengthening their inner resources in the face of the relational resonance and challenges of this work.

Requires a signed confidentiality agreement.

Virtual/Online Group Supervision Series: The Art of Interaction Sequences

2024 Dates: May 3, 13, 20, 27; Mondays, 7pm.

Our profession values the skill of pattern recognition. This exercise calls you to isolate a pattern of relating crafted as an interaction sequence that may be discerned in the couple depicted in the short story titled, The Hitchhiking Game from Laughable Loves (1999) by Milan Kundera.  

  1. The 1st session will focus on the four classes of recursive sequences detailed in Sequences: A Common Denominator of Family Therapy by Breunlin & Schwartz (1986).
  2. The 2nd session will focus on discerning red-herrings, rabbit trails, distractions. 
  3. The 3rd session will focus on identifying behavioral prompts or cues to facilitate identification of an interaction sequence. 
  4. The 4th session includes discussion of a completed interaction sequence exercise.  

Virtual/Online Group Supervision Series: Identifying Process in Psychotherapy

2024 Dates: June 3, 10, 17, 24; Mondays, 7pm.

A process-oriented approach respectfully explores relational experience evidenced behaviorally specific to what is happening in the here and now. Typically, a process-oriented focus views what's currently happening as fodder for insight to what may be happening similarly in multiple areas of a client's life, what happened in the past and what can be reasonably anticipated to happen again. Hofman, Hayes and Lorscheid (2021), define process as theory-based, dynamic, progressive, contextually bound, modifiable and occurring at multi-levels.

This 4-part series will focus on the development of process-oriented practice in the provision of psychotherapy.

Each 90-minute session will focus on a specific aspect of therapeutic communication aimed at identifying and connecting the client to their process.

  1. The 1st session will focus on establishing the distinction between process and content as seen through the lens of existential-humanistic psychology.
  2. The 2nd session will focus on the exploration and application of process across multiple domains of experience.
  3. The 3rd session will focus on identifying function and cost/gains in client process.
  4. The 4th session will focus on how client process may be intentionally developed as a powerful strength and competency to facilitate therapeutic change.